Tuesday 12 February 2013

Garlic Quinoa Patties


Ingredients Required

2 tablespoon Hawberry Farms Garlic and Onion Chutney

1 cup of cooked quinoa

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 teaspoon crushed black pepper (optional)

Pinch of salt

3-4 tablespoon canola oil


Boil one cup of water.

Add a cup of quinoa and simmer on slow for 15-20 min.

Let the cooked quinoa cool down and mix it with the Hawberry Farms Garlic and Onion Chutney, cheddar cheese, pepper and salt.

Roll the mixture into balls and flatten them.

Heat oil in a pan and place in the quinoa patties.

Cook the patties on both sides on medium-low heat for 5-7 min.

Serve warm.

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